About Us

We publish Biblically-sound books written by Messianic or Gentile Believers. Our main goals are to bring everyone to a deeper relationship with Yeshua (Jesus); to teach the church about their Jewish roots; to help turn Jewish people to their True Messiah Yeshua; and to inspire people to pray for Israel and the world and for End Time prophecies to be fulfilled so Messiah can soon return. In all of this we want to help make “the Word of Adonai fully known” (Col. 1:25), to help His Word “spread rapidly and be glorified everywhere” (II Thess. 3:1) and grow “mightily and prevail” (Acts 19:20). We want God’s Word in our books to help “open” people’s “eyes so that they will turn from darkness to Light, from the power of the adversary to God” (Acts 26:18) and to trust in Yeshua (Jesus) (Acts 26:18,15b) (scriptures from the New Revised Standard Version and the Complete Jewish Bible). In the olive grove, called the Garden of Gethsemane, Yeshua/Jesus went through the olive press. At that time there were two stages to the pressing of olives. First, the olives were crushed and pressed producing clean oil that was used for food, for fragrance, and for anointing. Then the olives were in turn pounded to a pulp, which produced a cruder oil that was used for lighting lamps. Our Savior was first crushed under great pressure, then He was severely beaten for our salvation and healing. He is the Light of the world. We, too, must go through the olive press—most of us more than once because unlike Yeshua/Jesus we resist and fight, instead of surrendering and allowing ourselves to be totally crushed. The books that come after our olive press experiences become the fragrance of Messiah to others, and the oil that Elohim/God can use to shine forth the Light of Yeshua/Jesus.

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